Netflix Multi-language TV UI Onscreen Keyboard

My Role

I served as the Lead Product Designer for Netflix's primary acquisition pages and sign-up process, including payment processing across mobile, web, and TV UI. The key product metric was improving sign-up conversion rates.

Netflix was planning for a Japan and then a global launch. Part of my job was to prepare part of the TV UI for both.

Teams Involved

Product Design, Product, UX Research, Front and Back-end Engineering, Legal, Payments, and various executives.

Project Importance

Netflix was preparing for a Japan launch and ultimately a larger launch into all of Asia, which eventually became rest of world.

I had originally designed the TV UI onscreen keyboard for western countries. I now had to rethink it for Japanese and other languages like Korean.

This project was heavily timeboxed and had a hard deadline for a Japan launch but had to be flexible enough to work around the world.

Success metrics

  • Increase user trust.

  • Neutral to positive impact on sign ups.

Previous Redesign


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